AI Driven PreemptiveForecastsForCapitalMarkets

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Fact Based Decision Making

Stock Trading Shouldn't Be A
Guessing Game Anymore

With hundreds of factors ranging from critical market news to non obvious connections to alternative data, we calculate daily market moving insights ahead of time so that you can act before the rest.

Everyday we do process more than a million financial dataset with critical input, identifying trade investment opportunities ahead of market. You act on the recommendations as soon as it is available.

Check Out Yourself

Developing Sentiments 24x7

On Why We Have No Faith In
Technicals Anymore

One of the biggest pitfall with the thematic algo trading concept is frequent model collapse under evolving market condition, wherein the generative model produces synthetic data which lack diversity.

Such models are excessively reliant on quants or numeric patterns which degrades the model's capacity to produce novel meaningful results without any guarantee of success in future.

Switch To Quadmatics

Q Score Predictive Rankings

A derived intraday sentiment rating score between 0 and 9, wherein a high Q Score indicates a higher probability of segment outperformance.

It is a proprietary rank benchmark, based on trade confidence and historic hit ratio which the model achieved for this title.

Higher Multiple Returns For EveryMarket Participant

Shape Up YourTrading Desk

From sentiments to triggers and ratings, enhance your daily trade setup with machine driven decision support data, duly processed and delivered before any directional momentum shift.

Be Confident About Your Trading PicksIn Minutes

Your Statistical Edge InPrice Discovery

Good trades are born out of discovery and very short lived. We screen bellwether financial events round the clock and extract withheld info straightway to predict a likely impending trend.

Guarding Against Trade Optimism WithoutDue Diligence

Making Your Market MoveMore Pragmatic

We give zero leverage to rumors and news, which comes with little or no data including any technical indicators or oscillators, as they solely rely on past price data to determine any future trend.

Ready-To-Use Insights

At Quadmatics we help you make better, faster trade decisions in uncertain market conditions.

Integrate our data driven insights, and nab the surprises surfacing from the known unknowns.

Times Your Trade With Precision
Times Your Trade With Precision

Avoids intuitive picks and spots trade wit that everyone else is overlooking

Focuses On What Is Significant
Focuses On What Is Significant

Solely interpreted by maths. Not by tweets, rumour, opinion or feelings

Avoids Informational Drawback
Lets No Risk Slip Past Your Eyes

Discover critical intelligence before rest of the market realises impact

Ushers A Collective Experience
Scale Outcomes - Not Budgets

Let AI do the heavy lifting with zero infra cost and seamless broadcasts

Who Is It For?

We partner with institutional clients including Brokers, Asset Managers and trading avenues globally in Equity & Derivative markets.

We also offer bespoke solutions for HNI's and qualified retail traders across the segment.

No Price Is Too High To
Catch A Bull, Or A Bear

Quality comes at a price. Being an area of restricted research, we have to mine data from various confined global sources. Besides, as a non-quant practice, the acquisition cost of technology is too on the higher side!

Because of such dominant factors our spirited pricing may seem rather upscale.

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